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At FREEDOM CHURCH, we believe a healthy church is an active community. Take a look at our many opportunities to volunteer, to participate in ministries and to take part in learning and growing together.


Whoever receives one such child in my Name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me – Mark 9:37


At FREEDOM CHURCH, we are committed to showing children the way into a growing relationship with their Heavenly Father. During our services, we bring the kids into our time of corporate worship and celebration.  As we transition, the children move into a children’s church service that is geared specifically for the younger ages – from 1st-5th grades.


Andrea Pollock is our Children's Church Coordinator. She has spent her life serving and ministering to children and young people.  Currently, she is a middle school teacher with the Lee County School System, and has spent 20 years as an educator of elementary and middle school students.  Together, with her husband, Andrea has served in youth ministry for many years through the Assemblies of God.


This is the place to connect with the men of FREEDOM church. This is a time when guys get together, laugh and discuss the things that men deal with every day. You'll meet men whose common desire is to be better friends, husbands, fathers and leaders by becoming the men God called them to be. Our mandate is to get every man at FREEDOM church connected to a FREEDOMgroup and to join our quarterly FREEDOMmen’s Events.


FREEDOMwomen gather for the purpose of being encouraged, equipped, and mobilized to live out our God given purpose. FREEDOMwomen is the ladies’ ministry of FREEDOM church. Our hope is that every woman at FREEDOM church would join a FREEDOMgroup and attend our quarterly FREEDOMwomen Nights.


FREEDOMserves Freedom is team lead, Spirit empowered, and people driven. FREEDOMserves allows people opportunities to use their talents, gifts, creativity and energy to serve God as an active part of Freedom Church.


Special outreach opportunities for people to go into the community and show the love of God, in practical ways. We believe we are called to make our world a better place and be a blessing to all


We take the call to make disciples seriously, but discipleship and following Jesus cannot be done alone. Church extends beyond the walls of a Sunday gathering, and we need each other on more than just Sundays to bring this mandate to life. Discipleship is an integrated call to live life with other believers and those who do not believe yet to bring the Kingdom of God wherever we go. We take our cues from Scripture and regularly gather with smaller groups of people on at least a weekly basis to form the church around this pursuit. These smaller expressions of church are called FREEDOMgroups. FREEDOMgroups are gatherings of people committed to living life together and growing as disciples of Jesus who meet weekly in homes, online and other venues all throughout Albany and its surrounding communities to bring the revolution of the Kingdom here on earth.

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