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Life Before Christ

Everyone has a story.  Part of the universal human experience is the point when we were confronted with the truth of God.  The Bible tells us that each one of us is given an opportunity to know Him (Romans 1:19-20), and from that point, we choose whether we commit our hearts to Him.  Many, many people tell of the emptiness they felt prior to accepting Jesus as Savior – that something was missing.  Many were religious, or just good people, but the emptiness left life feeling like there wasn’t much meaning.  Each story is as unique as each human being – but there is one common factor:

Jesus Changed Everything


Hope in Christ

The old life is gone.  The old things have passed away and all things have been made new! (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Once a person has experienced the freedom that only Christ can give, everything changes.  There is hope toward eternity.  Where once we were weak, there is strength.  There is cleansing, and wholeness, and vision, and direction.  No longer do we have to figure everything out, but we have an amazing Father whose plans for us are good… always very good (Jeremiah 29:11)!  And He will always finish what He started (Philippians 1:6)!  The chains that held us bound to sin are broken and His freedom is complete (John 8:36)!  What greater hope could there possibly be?


The path to FREEDOM

1.  First, we must recognize that all have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23)

No one has ever lived a perfect life, except Jesus.  We all have sinned.  We all have fallen short.  None of us could possibly earn the gift of eternal life.  No matter who you look at, they need a Savior.  We all need a Savior.


2.  Second, understand the truth – wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)

The Bible is quite clear about this.  Without a Savior, we have earned death.  Spiritual death.  Eternal death.  Any way you slice it, the fact remains – the consequences for sin cannot be escaped.


3.  YET THERE IS HOPE – Jesus took our place – (John 3:16)

God sent His only son to this earth as a sacrifice in our place.  What we deserved, he embraced.  He took our punishment so that we can be free!  For the joy set before Him – the joy of restoring the relationship between God and man – He was willing to endure death on a cross.


4.  We can experience this great FREEDOM if we are willing confess our sins and turn from our old ways – (1 John 1:9)

After paying the price for our sins, Jesus Christ was raised and now sits at the right hand of the Father.  He has opened a door for our freedom!  All we have to do is confess our sins and He is faithful to forgive us, and cleanse us.

You can experience this freedom right where you are…. right now.


Let’s pray this together:

Oh, Great God in Heaven – I come to You today in humility.

I know that I am a sinner in desperate need of Your forgiveness. I’ve been living my life apart from You, and for that I’m sorry.  I’m sorry for the separation that has been between us.  I’m sorry for my choices and the way I’ve lived my life.  I ask You to please forgive me.  Please, set me free from the chains that have held me captive.


I know You sent Your only Son to die for me, and it is only because of His obedience and suffering that I can come to You now. He gave His life to save mine.  His precious blood was spent paying for my debt… a debt I could never pay on my own.  Help me always remember how wondrous this work is.  Even now, I know you are drawing me into a closer relationship with You.  The invitation has been given, and I thank You that Your overwhelming grace bridges the gap that has been between us.


The Bible says that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us of all our sins and cleanse us from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I admit now that I have sinned in more ways than I can remember.  My choices have kept me bound.  My intentions have kept my heart cold and distant.

You, however, are the Author of Life. You alone can make all things new!  You alone can resurrect that which has been dead in me.  You alone can set me free, and “he whom the Son sets free is free indeed!” (Scripture).


Please, oh Father, transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to You. I thank You, Jesus, for dying for me – opening the door for eternal life!  Empower my life to reflect Your amazing goodness, grace and mercy.  Empower my voice to praise You greatly.  Empower my heart to dive deep in this adventure of a relationship with You.  Empower me to love and serve the way You love and serve, and I ask You to continually draw me closer.

I love you – in Jesus precious Name,



HALLELUJAH!  What an amazing work God is beginning in you right this moment!

If you are not currently involved in a church, we would love to meet with you,

pray with you, and continue this journey together. 

You can check out our service times for the church, or simply contact us.  We would LOVE to celebrate with you!

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